Thursday 12 August 2010



All jobs have their downsides. At the camel farm, the downsides are:that we get woken every morning at 6am by Woody the cockerel, that my shoes are constantly caked in myriad of different types of poo, and of course that come the end of the day my hair is matted with camel drool and regurgitation, my arms scratched by rabbits, my fingers nibbled by goslings, my legs stung by stinging nettles... the list goes on. It is all most definitely worth it however, and we are rewarded at the end of the day with cold bottles of beer and mountains of delicious food.

My least favourite job on the farm is affectionately titled 'Avian Security Officer'. This involves distracting several chickens while the camel rides go on (so the camel doesn't throw a kid off while trying to kill the chicken). Bearing in mind the camel rides go on for about an hour usually, this task is most mundane and the chickens never do learn, it is a constant battle, and the filling up of the feeding bag (maize) has to be carefully planned so no chickens can get close enough to the camel while she is unloading/loading. Needless to say it is a stressful and complex task requiring much thought and planning. (even this I secretly enjoy but I had to have a 'least favourite'.)

This has been a short blog but we are off to Marciac jazz festival once more to eat, as we made over 1000 euro in one day yesterday so its celebration time.

P.S we now have 6 guinea fowl that were bought from the bird market, and another few chicks were born today. Oh and we also discovered 2 baby rabbits in the rabbit pen but we reckon they are a few weeks old (but were underground before).

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