Friday 6 August 2010

Un, deux, trois, lets eat some Foie Gras

In the last few days quite a number of big events have taken place, so I will have to try not to forget anything (or let Harriet fill in on anything I miss out).

Firstly we lost Grant and Marjolijn, who have both returned home having finished their stays at the Maison. Quite a sad event for everyone, we even all made it out of our beds at 5am to see them off. People come and go here a lot, but both of them had been at the farm quite a while and are definitely missed (especially by Oakley for Grant, who seems to have entered dog-depression, and spends all day sleeping).

For their last night we went out to Marciac jazz festival. Apparently famous in the jazz world - being the biggest of its kind in Europe supposedly - it's basically international jewelery and mexican hammock stalls (+ the odd incense stand) all surrounding a centre stage with various either extreme-experimental bongoing or the odd cheesy-jazz cover act. The most cringe thing was definitely one particular blonde singer who had written a song especially for the French audience which included the line 'Un, deux trois, lets eat some Foie-Gras, lets dine in this place that is France'. She did have lovely legs though.

Moving on.... we had some newborns & new arrivals this week too. 2 lambs 'Framboise' and 'Courgette' are now hanging out in the sheep pen drying off and finding their legs. Bearing in mind that they are of a breed that are already classed as 'miniature sheep', they are VERY small and extremely cute. We will most definitely post some photos up in the near future.

Again on the animal front... tonight the girls received a call while myself and Harriet were leafleting at the jazz festival to say that a wild boar had made it's way into the campsite at nearby Plaisance. The Maison gets quite a few calls about taking in animals that are abandoned or discovered, but this was obviously quite a unique one. A few hours later, and we have a boar in one of the pig pens (again photos to follow). We haven't named him as he'll be released into the wild again fairly soon - it not being fair or legal to keep him.

Just for good measure we also now have a new quail and a zebra finch in an enclosure in the forest. The animal population just keeps growing. Oh and I actually forgot we have a new fluffy rabbit to add as well (called The Pope).

Meanwhile in terms of human house occupants, we have 2 added to our number. Greg, an Australian teacher has arrived to help out for a couple of weeks and Aileen, a Scottish vet student is here as well to do some behavior work and animal training.

Right, Harriet can fill you in on the rest I'm off to bed.


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