Saturday 26 June 2010

The birds and the bees...

Picture the scene if you will... We're all out in the garden after a lovely BBQ, enjoying a glass of wine or two. Grant comes out to the door of the kitchen and utters the following:

"Um, guys, Oakley has got his cock stuck in Molly."

So, we all run into the kitchen, where Molly and Oakley the dogs are getting it on. Not only that... they are stuck together and both looking a tad uncomfortable.

Cue all adults fall about laughing (Andy takes photos) while Oliver (age 10) and Elliot (age 8) look confused...

Oliver: what's happening??

Adults: um, they're just tangled.

Oliver: but why? how are they attached??

Elliot: um, are they kissing with bums?

Paul: well...

Oliver: just tell me what's happening? why are they stuck??

Paul: ok, well, Oakley has his bits in Molly's bits. They're making babies.

Oliver: But when will they let go?

Paul: When Molly relaxes.

Oliver: (shouting to the dogs) Molley, let go of Oakley.

Paul: It's all natural, it's all fine.

Oliver: Did you do that to mum once?

Paul: Um, yeah.

Oliver: That's disgusting. I'm not having children. and that's official.

Paul: Well that's what's happening.

Oliver: ok, well i dont want to know any more.

And so we get to know about about the birds and the bees. Important life lessons for one and all...

Elliot has just informed us that the dogs are "deglued". Thank god for that.

Tomorrow Molly is off to get the canine morning after pill.

1 comment:

  1. I about fell out of my chair laughing. "Molly, let go of Oakley!" Fabulous. On another note, Andy, you beat me to the punch in starting a blog about your ridiculous(ly awesome) summer job. I'm about to start one as well, and I swear I'm not copying--though now you've made it look that way, so thanks a lot. :-) Anyway, keep up the hilarious posts, you two, and catch you soon.

