Thursday 24 June 2010

My First Blog

Due to creative differences earlier than anticipated, we've decided to take turns writing posts on the blog and Andy's chosen to be a gentleman and let ladies go first.

Having decided that writing a blog is a suitably pretentious thing to do on a year abroad, I am hoping that writing a shared blog will halve the amount of self absorption. However, I'm a little concerned that the the key to any double act's success is that both are equally known, loved, cared about...

I realise that those reading this will probably fall into one of two camps - Andy's Friends or Harriet's Friends (those in both should consider themselves an elite and incredibly lucky). So I thought it'd be a good idea for us to introduce each other for the benefit of our respective teams of acquaintances.

When I first met Andrew, two things hit me. His nobbly knees. (I know he won't mind me saying that, as not only is it true, but he's also quite proud of them.) That, and the fact that I was impressed he had managed to hitch hike to the farm from the nearest town, which is a good distance away. I'd arrived a few days before having driven down from the UK, so was looking forward to meeting Andy who I knew I would be spending a lot of time with over the summer. Of course I'd done the obligatory Facebook Stalk and it had shown me that he liked SLR photography and TuPac (is that how you spell it? I'm not cool enough to know...)What followed on his first evening at La Maison des Chameaux involved wine pong and him being molested by two large dogs. I laughed til I cried, and I knew from them on that we would get on just fine for the summer.

Two days later, I was told that I would be sharing a room with Andrew. (for legal reasons I would like to point out that we have separate beds.) What might have been a potentially awkward situation has turned out well... so far. No snoring, no sleep talking and no judging about my collection of overwhelmingly pink and flowerly luggage/towels/blankets/etc.

Since then we've been working together pretty much 24/7 on the farm, which we'll tell you all about soon, and it's all been going incredibly well. Guess we're still in that honey moon phase...

Now I have to wait and see how Andy chooses to introduce me...

(at this point i'd like to come up with some catchy sign off, like gossip girl with the whole XO XO thing, but I cant think of one. any ideas, let me know...)

Harriet x

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