Friday 25 June 2010

we work on a camel farm

So having arrived at the camel farm about a week ago, there have been some things to get used to. Watching out for stepping on kittens, rounding up escaped goats, plastering oneself in insect repellent and of course the colleagues.

Harriet shares the same responsibilities on the farm as I do, and is also a French student at Notts. It's been a relief that someone else here appreciates a bad pun as much as I do. She is also extremely calm when being pooed on by a goat which is an essential ingredient to an enjoyable summer at the Maison. Apart from puns and poo she has a great sense of humour and is good at remembering various camel facts that I tend to forget when put on the spot. (For example did you know that camel penis' can turn through 180 degrees to wee on their legs to keep them cool? or that they can drink 200 litres of water in one sole drinking session?) All in all its great having Harriet here to share the experience with. Also hoping for a lift back to England with her in September so sucking up obvs.

First proper update coming soon.


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