Sunday 27 June 2010

Morning After

After an eventful night yesterday what with Molly and Oakley getting entangled (as Harriet explained) (and now I've learned that its my job tomorrow to take Molly to get the dog morning after pill equivilent), we've had some new arrivals this morning - the chickens are hatching!

A typical morning on the farm really - came down to a new baby chick, baby pigs being rounded up just next to the house & Sarah spinning wool on a old school spinning wheel. The rest of the chicks are still in their eggs in an incubator inside, but they should be out by the end of the day (pecked holes are appearing, photos later).

Its 9.30am and the farm opens to the public at midday. Till then our duties are to open to front gate, make sure everything is generally in place and safe for the kids... and then sit wait and drink coffee until the first guests arrive.

Right now as I'm typing Harriet is pretending to be a horse for Chrissy the vet student, who's practicing to clicker train her. (this involves harriet making jerky movements occasionally and Chrissy clicking when she's still). It's pretty weird to watch.

On a bit of a down note, have found out that Oakley (golden retriever) won't be staying here for much longer, he's moving on to another family as he killed a duck on the farm and therefore is a bit unsuitable for sticking around considering the amount of other animals everywhere. Shame, as I got pretty attached to him he's a really cool dog (apart from the duck killing).

More soon! Andy

p.s i had my second driving lesson from harriet yesterday, and we're both still alive. the country rounds roundabout are perfect, luckily there hasn't been someone coming in the opposite direction just yet...

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