Friday 2 July 2010


Today Andy and I have been leafletting in Pau. Great place, nice cafes, bars, shops, architecture, chateau, cathedral, another hundred hairdressers... Unfortunately, it was difficult to enjoy our time in the city mainly due to being COVERED IN MOSQUITO BITES.

We're not sure how this happened as we're both pretty fastidious about covering ourselves in repellent, but somehow the little buggers have got us. Felt particularly awkward as we got a few stares in Pau due to scratching a little too much in public...

So we're back at the Maison now covering ourselves in aloe vera spray and preparing ourselves emotionally and physically for the first night of Castelnau's annual fete. By far the highlight of the village's social calender, the dodgems are prepped, the bunting is up and the bar is stocked... excitement levels are running high...

In other news, Emma's Birthday was on Wednesday. Despite the fact that she was determined not to celebrate as she's so old (she's 20. please.) we all got suitably merry. The evening's entertainment involved playing ring of fire, Andy dressing as a cowboy and various members of the team ending up in the river. Standard really.

Andy has just sprayed me with aloe vera in the face. Grant told him off: "That was a bit naughty." Thanks Grant for sticking up for me.

Will write soon with fete gossip. I'm sure there'll be some...

H xxx

PS - oh, and the moral of today's blog - if you've got an itch, scratch it.

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