Saturday 3 July 2010


We haven't blogged in a couple of days and so much has happened I don't really know where to begin.

Thursday we had the day off so went on a bit of a day trip to a lake near a village called Lupiac. Apparently the thermometer was reading 44 celcius (though I dispute this, I'm fairly sure that was at least a slight exagerration) but either way it was boiling. We did all the normal beach lake things - swim, eat icecreams, drink beer. Perfection.

Then yesterday we headed to Pau to deliver leaflets (into the standard hairdressers, small shops etc), which is a really pretty city about an hours drive from the farm. The day was fairly uneventful but fun, although I didn't stop complaining about my mosquito bites. Although Harriet tells me she's already written about this.

Anyway, the evening arrived and with it came the village fete, which Harriet already introduced. It was absolutely bizarre. (but amazing). The standard bad band playing everything from traditional french accordion classics to lady gaga, dodgems (in which I accidentally rammed another car as someone was getting into it and sent them flying, and then zoomed off again - the first and last last hit and run of my life); and creepy old french men dancing with/on the Maison girls. We got quite a few looks from the old French people, as we busted out our contemporary moves on the dancefloor - in fact I definitely think we were the life and soul of the party - along with the few creepy guys and weird ladies dancing by themselves. I also became an Uncle just before the party began (good reason to celebrate) to Ella Violet Osmond... so all in all it was a pretty sweet evening!!

The following morning was less brilliant due to the inevitable hangover, and news that one of the kittens, Velcro (pictured below somewhere), is quite ill and it's a bit touch and go. (will keep updated)

Grant and I however cracked on and started our project to build a tea room despite said hangover. We stood in the river upstream and cut down a few trees to get 2.5metre posts (to build the structure of a kind of permanent teepee/marquee). Although I love fresh air and all that, the mosquitos descended, I was almost crushed by a tree (im an extremely amateur logger) and our plan to float the cut logs down stream to the farm ultimately failed and we ended up having to carry them through thick nettles and lastly my flipflops kept coming off and floating away. On the upside however, I probably earned some kind of man points or something for cutting some trees down (maybe?). It was good to get on with the project anyway, tomorrow we'll continue and get the posts set in concrete.

Tonight we have the 2nd night of the village fete. It will inevitably involve several dodgem sessions, more dancing & local wine. I am excited.

Right. Ciao time.

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