Friday 9 July 2010

Disco Time

So we haven't blogged in a few days, mostly because after our castelnau disco experience it's taken a few days to gather our thoughts and recover.

The last night was 'disco night' of the 3 day Castelnau Riviere Basse annual village party. What we didn't realise is that it's primarily intended as the Special Needs Home boogie night (not meaning to be unpc, just stating facts). So we rocked up in our best threads and were greeted by a huge and very empty hall apart from a few of the home residents slow dancing to Shania Twain.

Not to be party poopers, we bought some wine and got down and grooved the night away.

Rumours were by the way true, and Monsieur Bernard made his predicted appearance, even wearing a clean shirt. What a lad. We spent the last part of the evening having a party in Harriets car back at the farm. What students.

Since then we've been fairly busy with groups turning up at the farm (some unexpectedly), and the public too. We had some sad news, as Velcro was poorly and taken to the vets, but didn't make it through the night. He was our favourite kitten being a bit clumsy... (there's a photo of him further down this blog somewhere).

Apart from all this, we've had a few BBQs, chased some more piglets & gone to laser quest, which I'm sure is the most fun you can have for 20 minutes. Chasing people round a dark sweaty room with toy guns. Amazing.

And now... we're house sitting for Caroline and Jean-Pierre, some friends of the Bird family. Our various jobs include looking after their dogs, feeding the pigs & enjoying their amazing house. Two of the dogs are really really old though I'm a bit scared about something happening while we're here...


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