Thursday 22 July 2010

Wet, Wet, Wet

Today it rained. No, scratch that, today it monsooned. And not only did it monsoon, but we had over 100 visitors to the farm.

The fun began last night. It began raining in the evening. We braved dinner outside, mainly because we now have 14 people at the Maison and need the bigger table, new arrivals being Alexa (vet), Sam (vet), Emma Z (Helpex) and Tom (Helpex). However, after eating we retreated inside from the downpour and watched Space Jam. Classic. As we all went to bed the rain showed no signs of stopping...

In the middle of the night I woke up and this was my thought process:

“Hmm, sounds like it’s still raining... oh yeah, there’s some thunder... hmm, feels a bit wet actually, yeah, my pillow is definitely wet... but hold on, I’m in bed... ANDY WAKE UP IT'S RAINING ON MY FACE”

The capital letters is me shouting out loud. The roof just happened to be leaking in the one corner above my bed. Joy.

We woke up this morning to what can only be described as a wash out. The river had almost overflowed and everywhere was a mud bath. I am now totally able to sympathise with Noah and his whole arc assignment. No one likes dealing with wet animals. I have never seen Brewster the alpaca look so pissed off before today.

To make matters worse, we had 3 groups of kids booked in and due to arrive at 10am. We were pretty sure that they would all cancel given French people’s allergy to rain. However, only one did, so 80 reluctant children rocked up. Plus public visitors, totalling over 100.

We soldiered on in true British fashion, with wellies and waterproofs. We moved tables in to barns, brushed soggy camels, did treasure hunts in the peeing rain, and spun damp wool to make bracelets. All in all, it was madness, but we managed to survive the day. Just.

We are now sat round the bonfire, about to have a celebratory barbeque.

Oh, and it’s still raining...

PS - Andy and I are both away this weekend. Andy to the UK to see his baby niece and me to visit some friends who are also working in the South of France. We will blog anon...

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