Tuesday 6 July 2010

Welcome to our crib

I thought it was about time we gave you a little insight into our humble abode for the summer.

The kitchen – Where you’ll find an overflowing dishwasher, a handful of kittens, a spinning wheel, various laptops with facebook on the go, a freshly brewed tea pot (shaped like a camel of course), two dogs, a 24 litre box of wine (refilled weekly. ouch.), and a piglet. Seriously.

The Mulberry Tree – Outside in the back garden, there is a large dining table under the shade of a beautiful Mulberry tree. This table is the social hub of the Maison. It’s where we drink coffee in the morning when we’re hungover and bleary eyed, eat an insane amount of baguettes and cheese at lunch, and share numerous glasses of wine in the evening when all the visitors have gone home. There is not a dull moment at this table and the conversations had there are not only worth their weight in gold but most could also not be repeated in polite society.

The living room – Where Oliver, Elliot and Grant play online war games. It’s not recommended for others to enter the battlefield.

Tentland – A shelter in the garden which is currently home to 3 tents housing Grant, Marjolijn and Emma. Each night they sleep in fear that their tents will be attacked by Carla the pig. Every morning they wake up unharmed is a gift from god.

Our bedroom – Andy is still living out of his suitcase as he’s being a boy and refusing to unpack. Hence his side of the room is a constant mound of clothes in various states of cleanliness. My side on the other hand is spotless. Cough. He’s also started borrowing things... flip flops, deodorant, hairdryer... I’m worried as to how this list of the stuff he is borrowing will progress over the next few weeks... will keep you posted...

The bathroom – home to 76 bottles of shampoo and about the same number of spiders/insects. It has a window with a great view out over the farm... but beware when showering and then giving an eyeful to poor unsuspecting souls outside.

And that, ladies and gent, is the place we call (our French) home.

H xxx

PS - I'm leaving Andy to blog about the last night of the Castelnau fete as words fail me. There is literally no way I can put that experience into sentences.

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